Adding Running Plumbing To Your Garage

Posted on: 7 August 2019

Adding running plumbing to the garage is an update that many homeowners will be attracted to making due to it increasing the overall utility of the home. However, adding running plumbing to the garage can be a substantial amount of work that will need ample planning to successfully execute.

Consider The Scope Of The Plumbing

At the start of the planning process for this plumbing system enhancement, it is important to determine the scope of the plumbing upgrade. For example, many people may want little more than a sink in their garage so that they can wash their hands after working on the car. However, others may wish to add a full bathroom to the garage. When homeowners choose to expand the scope of the plumbing for their garage, they can greatly increase the complexity of this work. One way that this can occur is through the need for the contractor to redesign the piping, or to even reinstall pipes that have already been laid due to a need for a higher capacity.

Avoid Overloading The Home's Current Plumbing System

It is important to be aware of the added strain that adding running plumbing to the garage can create for the rest of the home's plumbing. In addition to potentially causing low pressure throughout the home, this could also lead to issues with the wastewater effectively draining from the home. Luckily, it is possible to avoid these issues with careful planning. For example, a professional plumbing service will be able to measure the home's current water pressure and potentially supplement it so that it can better support the new plumbing additions. Depending on the configuration of the home's current plumbing, as well as the scope of the addition to the garage, it may be possible to install devices that can boost the water pressure going into the garage so that the strain on the rest of the home's plumbing will be reduced.

Review The Permitting Requirements

Plumbing work can be among the most important for ensuring that the home and surrounding property is sanitary. When plumbing work is done incorrectly, it can allow wastewater to contaminate the area. As a result of these concerns, homeowners will usually be required to obtain a permit to add plumbing to a new area of their home. Fortunately, these permits are inexpensive and fairly easy to obtain as long as you submit the paperwork required by the local government or homeowner's association. Checking these regulations at the start of the process will help you to ensure completing this paperwork will be easy when it comes time to apply for any needed permits.


Irrigation Implementation: An Overview

When I decided to install an irrigation system in my yard, I thought it would be an easy project. I had no idea how much was really involved in the process, from connecting the sprinkler system to the main plumbing line all the way to burying the individual lines for the sprinkler heads. After researching the entire process and learning as I went, I created this site to give others the benefit of my experience. I hope that the information here helps you be better prepared for what you can expect out of your irrigation system installation, including knowing when it's time to turn to a plumber for help.


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