Four Tips To Prepare For Plumbing Emergencies

Posted on: 22 July 2019

Dealing with regular plumbing problems can be inconvenient, but dealing with plumbing emergencies can be completely overwhelming. A simple problem like a burst pipe can quickly flood out of control, leading very quickly to expensive water damage. When plumbing emergencies strike, it will pay to stay cool and be prepared. Although these types of events tend to strike with little or no warning, there are steps you can take to make sure that you're ready to deal with them quickly once they do.

Keep a List of Trusted 24/7 Plumbers

As a homeowner, one of the most important things you can do is have a 24/7 plumber that you can trust. Your regular plumber may or may not provide emergency services, so it may be necessary to have the number of a backup handy. While you can always do a quick internet search when disaster strikes, it's much better to have this information ready and available. Not only will this help you to get assistance more quickly, but it will mean that you can do some research beforehand rather than simply picking the first number that pops up on a search engine.

Know How to Recognize an Emergency

A clogged toilet can probably wait, assuming that your home has multiple bathrooms, but what if every drain in the house is backing up? Likewise, a minor leak that can be contained with a pot doesn't really justify calling a plumber at 2 a.m., but a burst pipe that's rapidly flooding your basement certainly does. As a general rule, any plumbing situation which threatens to cause serious water damage is an emergency. The same goes for clogs or backups which are affecting every drain in the house and preventing normal usage of bathrooms or sinks.

Have Emergency Supplies on Hand

Major plumbing disasters are usually well beyond what the average do-it-yourselfer can handle, but that doesn't mean you can't contain the damage. Always have a supply of old rags or towels available that can be used to sop up water in the event of a major leak or burst pipe. Emergency silicone repair tape is not a permanent fix, but it can contain minor leaks until a real fix can be performed. This can be a good option for preventing more damage from occurring until a plumber arrives, for example.

Learn About Your Home's Plumbing

Most importantly, have a little knowledge about your home's plumbing so that you can assist the plumber once he or she arrives. Knowing where shut off valves are located and even having a little bit of knowledge about how pipes are laid out can help your plumber to more quickly diagnose and repair the problem. This is especially important in an emergency, where time wasted studying your home's plumbing system is time when additional damage may be occurring.

You can't prevent random disasters from happening, but a little preparation can help you to keep them under control and to minimize the amount of damage that they cause to your home. Reach out to a company like Beehive Plumbing Midvale to learn more. 


Irrigation Implementation: An Overview

When I decided to install an irrigation system in my yard, I thought it would be an easy project. I had no idea how much was really involved in the process, from connecting the sprinkler system to the main plumbing line all the way to burying the individual lines for the sprinkler heads. After researching the entire process and learning as I went, I created this site to give others the benefit of my experience. I hope that the information here helps you be better prepared for what you can expect out of your irrigation system installation, including knowing when it's time to turn to a plumber for help.


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